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Memory Quest Flex /   Memory Quest Flex /

Memory Quest Flex

Memory Quest Flex is designed to train and improve the working memory of students with concentration difficulties, poor working memory, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, dyspraxia or other learning difficulties.

The software includes ten modules with eight different exercises in each. The difficulty level of the exercises adjusts automatically following the student’s performance, so that the demand on the student’s working memory constantly increases.

Memory Quest Flex includes auditory instructions and is at a pre-reading-and-writing level. The software is designed for students of all ages and has a varying reward system to motivate and stimulate the student during training. Memory Quest Flex can be configured to suit different users. Daily, weekly and final results can be saved and printed.

Memory Quest Flex has been developed by a team consisting of psychologists, special needs teachers, software developers, illustrators, musicians and with the help of external specialized expertise.





Version 1.3